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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.

Press Release: CEA Foundation Begins Legal Action Against Rise Gold to Stop Mine Drain Pollution
CEA Foundation has taken initial steps to bring a “citizen lawsuit” against Rise under the Clean Water Act in order to compel Rise to addres

Rise Gold files suit against Nevada County
In May 2024, Rise Grass Valley filed a petition for peremptory writ of mandate against Nevada County. They're attempting to overturn the...

Board of Supervisors Rejects Mine in Final Vote
At the Final Hearing for the Idaho-Maryland Mine on February 15 & 16, 2024, Nevada County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously 5-0 to...

MineWatch Newsletter Archive
Interested in learning about the latest developments in the fight against the mine? Rereading recent newsletters is a great way to catch up.

The Fight Against the Mine - Letter and Article Collection
Download a PDF to see a collection of over 265 letters to the editor and almost 100 articles published during the fight against the mine....

Press Release: California Gold Rush Community May Reject Bid to Reopen Historic Mine
This release summarizes key events that led up to the final public hearing and vote by Nevada County Supervisors on the fate of the...

FOX News: Report on Denial of vested Rights
View the Fox News report on the outcome of Rise Gold's attempt to claim vested rights to reopen the Idaho Maryland Mine. View the video...

Vested rights for Idaho-Maryland Mine denied by supervisors
The petition for vested rights to mine the Idaho-Maryland Mine (IMM) in Grass Valley submitted by Rise Gold Corporation was denied by the...

Press Release: Mining Company Demands Vested Rights Approval - County Stands Firm
In a tense two-day public hearing that at times seemed deeply adversarial, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors unanimously rejected a...

KVMR Radio: No One Has Vested Right To Mine
Local radio station, KVMR, reported on the County's Hearing to consider Rise's claim for vested rights. Listen to these brief segments...

Press Release: Mine Opponents Urge County: "Let's Finish This"
A letter signed by over 1,100 residents urges the Board of Supervisors to say NO to Rise Gold's Petition for vested rights at the...

Press Release: CEA Foundation Weighs in on Rise Gold’s Vested Rights Petition
Claiming a ‘right to mine’ after a 67-Year closure is absurd. Local opposition leader CEA Foundation provided a review and analysis of...

Former B.C. mining mogul fined $30,000 for past environmental infractions
Recent Rise Gold CEO, Ben Mossman, was CEO and Mine Manager of Banks Island Gold in British Columbia in 2015 when environmental...

CEA Responds To Vested Rights Maneuver
"..the biggest challenge for Rise Gold is to prove that mining activities have been ongoing continuously since before the current use...

Rise Gold may apply for “vested right to mine”
Required public hearing will delay BOS decision on Rise Gold application. Read the full article in YubaNet. Excerpts from a YubaNet...

Press Release: Rise Gold seeks to side-step requirements for mining use permit
Rise Gold is attempting to circumvent the County’s permitting process by claiming they have “vested rights” to mine. For Immediate...

Man behind plan to reopen Grass Valley gold mine faced charges. Here are the verdicts.
"Ben Mossman, the man behind a controversial plan to reopen a shuttered gold mine in Grass Valley, has been found guilty of 13...

Rise Gold’s (Former) CEO found guilty on 13 counts in British Columbia retrial
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." Ben Mossman was found guilty of 13 charges related to discharging...

The Allegations in Rise's Complaint letter are Meritless
CEA Foundation attorneys analyzed Rise Gold's 164-page complaint letter claiming unfair treatment and lack of due process in reaction to...

CEA Foundation Opinion: Just say no - The mine can’t be fixed
Supervisors will make the final vote in October. The unavoidable reality is... you can’t fix this project. It sits in the middle of a...

Community Reacts to Rise Gold's Temper Tantrum
Rise Gold wasn't happy when Nevada County Planning Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend a NO vote on both the Idaho-Maryland Mine...

How the $100 million proposed reopening of a former gold mine has angered Grass Valley
"Sixty-eight years have passed since the Idaho-Maryland Mine operated in this small city in the Sierra Nevada foothills, about 50 miles...

Earthshaking News: Planning Commission Rejects Mine
We won a pivotal victory! All five Planning Commissioners voted unanimously against the Idaho-Maryland Mine at the end of Nevada County's...

Press Release: Planning commission recommends No to Foothills Gold Mine
For Immediate Release: May 13, 2023 Contacts: Traci Sheehan Community Environmental Advocates Foundation PRESS RELEASE...
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