By Traci Sheehan - Community Environmental Advocates Foundation
We're on a mission to be the most vocal group in Nevada County. Your written or spoken comments to the Nevada County Board of Supervisors (BOS) can make a huge difference. You can send comments directly to all five of the supervisors by sending an email to at any time. Or, for maximum impact, consider writing a letter that can be read in 3 minutes live at the Supervisor's meetings, which are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Why should I make a comment to the County?
Nevada County has five supervisors, who will ultimately be responsible for the decision about whether to approve Rise Gold's application to open the mine. The community's review of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) in April of 2022 revealed signficant issues and we're currently waiting to see a revised report. Nevada County Supervisors could make a decision as early as 2023. It is up to citizens to ask questions and voice concerns about the project.
How do I submit a comment for the Board of Supervisors meeting?
The best way to make a comment to the Board is in-person, but you can also call in or send a letter in advance of the meeting via email. Here are your options:
Attend the meeting at the Eric Rood Administrative Center in Western County at 9:00 am. The Chair will invite public comment at the beginning of the meeting. You will be asked to give comments from the designated podium and limited to a maximum of 3 minutes.
Comment live during the meeting by calling (530) 270-3474 by 9:00 am.
Email your comment to
Mail your letter to Clerk of the Board, 950 Maidu Avenue, Ste. 200, Nevada City, CA 95959. For more information, see the County's Public Comment Guide.
How do I format my comments?
Your comments should be no longer than 3 minutes and focus on 2-3 points you’d like to make. We suggest writing your key bullet points or scripting your entire comment.
Begin by stating your name, the neighborhood or district you reside in, and the issue you are commenting on. View this simple district map... or go to the County website to find out what Supervisorial District you live in.
Add your personal experience or give context by explaining why you are involved and care about this issue, what your profession is, or why you like living in Grass Valley or Nevada County.
Make a clear statement of what you want the BOS to do or consider. For example “The County needs a more thorough environmental analysis because...", or "The County needs to work with well owners and the community to make sure there are safeguards to protect well owners. ”
What if I'd like to comment in person, but can't wear a mask?
Masks are required to enter a County building. However, a remote kiosk center is provided outside of the Eric Rood Administrative Center for individuals unable to wear a mask.
How do I send comments directly to my supervisor?
Most people prefer to send to comments to all supervisors at this address email They also accept comments by mail.
Nevada County Board of Supervisors
Eric Rood Administrative Center
950 Maidu Avenue
Nevada City, CA 95959
It helps to include information about what district you are in. Click on this simple map will help most people figure it out. It that doesn't work, click here to see several more ways to explore with precision.

If you prefer to write to your supervisor only, here are their individual email addresses.
Heidi Hall, Supervisor District 1, District 1 includes Nevada City and the unincorporated areas of Banner Mountain, Cascade Shores, Deer Creek, and the Highway 174 corridor.
Ed Scofield, Supervisor District 2, District 2 includes the communities of Alta Sierra, Lake of the Pines, and unincorporated areas along Highway 49.
Lisa Swarthout, Supervisor District 3, District 3 includes the City of Grass Valley, Cedar Ridge, the Brunswick Basin, Squirrel Creek, and unincorporated areas along Highways 49 and 20.
Susan Hoek, Supervisor District 4, District 4 includes the communities of Penn Valley, North San Juan, Rough & Ready, Lake Wildwood, Spenceville, and unincorporated areas along Highways 20 and 49.
Hardy Bullock, Supervisor District 5, District 5 includes the Town of Truckee, and the communities of Soda Springs, Washington, Graniteville, Hirschdale, Boca, Floriston, and unincorporated areas along Highways 49, 20, 89, and Interstate 80.
What should I talk about?
Here are some ideas to spark ideas on your comments. Please put these concepts in your own words. Add personal experience and your own concerns. It's OK if others have talked about a subject before. The Board needs to hear a chorus of voices, not just one alone.
Water: Water is a precious resource. All the more so because of the current drought. Rise Gold's plans to dewater the mine puts wells, creeks, and aquifers at risk.
Air: Nevada county already gets an F rating when it comes to air quality and 2 times the average in lung disease. Fugitive dust from rock crushing and transport and diesel exhaust from constant truck traffic will make a bad situation truly terrible.
Neighborhood quality of life: There will be more truck traffic, higher noise levels, and vibration from blasting. Aesthetics will also be seriously compromised as natural settings get buried beneath mountains of mine waste and a paved industrial area.
Economic risk: The few jobs gained are offset by big compromises to air, water, and quality of life. Even with the most state-of-the-art mining technologies, the risks posed by gold mining are too great to risk putting it directly under this community's feet.
Trust: Rise Gold is a 16 year old company that has never opened a mine and never made a profit. Their current financials are weak. And their CEO’s prior venture polluted tribal waters, went bankrupt, and left Canadians with a bill to pay for cleanup.