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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.

David Briceno: Negative aspects of proposed mine considered
"Putting gold back into “Gold Country” seems favorably nostalgic, but has unforeseen far-reaching repercussions. Is the town prepared to...

Peter Burnes: Enough gold for 600 years
"The World Gold Council says there is about 208,874 metric tonnes of gold already above ground, [largely] sitting in vaults, doing...

Gianna Setoudeh: California can’t afford the Idaho-Maryland Mine
"Reopening a toxic mine with significant environmental impacts for the benefit of very few is simply not a risk worth taking,...

Marion Blair: Reopening the Idaho Maryland Mine will not bring hope for the earth
"It is our responsibility and honor to provide the ethics of care and guardianship to this land. Prioritizing profit over sustainability...

Marianne Boll-See: Local well owners organize in advance of meeting on proposed mine's reopening
"Grass Valley property owners gathered on Thursday evening to organize and sign a group letter from the Wells Coalition to present to...

Lou Douros: Will Ben Mossman be Convicted in Canada?
Independent filmmaker, Lou Douros, spent months tracking and attending Rise Gold CEO, Ben Mossman's, trial in Canada. His lengthy opinion...

John Vaughan, The mine: It’s not about economics, it’s about risk
This opinion piece was originally published in The Union. April 19. 2023 Since the beginning of 2022, like many other local people, I’ve...

George Olive: Add a voice to 'No' on the mine
Please commit to involvement, first by imagining a noisy, messy, incompatible mine in operation in our quiet, small town; and second by...

Concerned Citizens Roundtable: Idaho-Maryland Mine propaganda vs. the truth
Rise Grass Valley’s advertising boasts the mine’s “minimal environmental impacts.” That’s like saying the Donner Party suffered only ants...

Christy Hubbard: Wake up call for well owners near the mine
If you own a well near the Idaho-Maryland Mine, you should be deeply concerned. The proposed operation poses a serious threat to our...

Bob Hubbard: Three gold mining stories tell different tales
Rise Gold wants approval for their project, so they tell three main stories: One about jobs, another about economics, and a third about...

Peter N. Brewer: Supervisors, do not be hoodwinked by the dazzling but false claims by Rise Gold
This concerned resident asks County Supervisors to deny Rise Gold and instead focus on shepherding us into the 21st century with fitting...

Opinion - David Brownstein: Mining Misinformation
Local community member, David Brownstein, hopes our County Supervisors can sort out fact from fiction. I have long been concerned about...

SYRCL: California can’t afford the Idaho-Maryland Mine
The Idaho-Maryland Mine is in direct conflict with not only local climate goals and initiatives, including the County’s own General Plan,...

MineWatch Coalition Final Comments on FEIR
26 groups call for denial of the Idaho-Maryland Mine. The MineWatch Coalition, led by the Community Environmental Advocates Foundation,...

Press Release: MineWatch Coalition Delivers Final Comments to Board of Supervisors
For Immediate Release: April 5, 2022 Contacts: Traci Sheehan Community Environmental Advocates Foundation 25 Groups Call...

Deni Silberstein: Viewer Beware
Local resident, Deni Silberstein, takes issue with Rise Gold's online ad and its questionable representation of miners. Read in The...

Paul Schwartz: Incompatible uses
The nearby city of Auburn in Placer County restricts mining in areas that are incompatible. Nevada County needs to consider the same. The...

Off-site Sales of Mine Waste and the Idaho-Maryland Mine Final EIR
The Final EIR doesn't have a viable plan for disposing of mine waste through off-site sales and its plans for on-site temporary storage...

Jim Steinmann: Mine jobs – Harsh, few, and not for locals
Rise Gold is touting jobs, jobs, jobs. But reality is not all it's cracked up to be. All this hoopla for 132 local jobs? 12 hour shifts?...

Mine Waste and Asbestos Impacts
The Final EIR lacks the data needed to assess the impacts of airborne asbestos and the management plan is inadequate. March 14, 2023...

Why Say No To The Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Quick Read: Summary of key reasons to say no to the mine — researched and validated by CEA Foundation/MineWatch researchers. Nevada...

Patricia Sharp: Save our town
This Grass Valley resident shares a piece of local history regarding the huge costs and hurdles of the Magenta Drain which handles runoff...

Centennial Site: Understand The Issue
Rise Gold owns the toxic Centennial Site near downtown Grass Valley and is obligated to clean it up. That’s good for the community, but...
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