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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.

Ralph Silberstein: Rise Gold is responsible for ongoing Idaho-Maryland Mine pollution
Contaminated water containing unsafe levels of Arsenic, Lead, Barium, Chromium, and other hazardous metals is continuously draining out...

Press Release: CEA Foundation Begins Legal Action Against Rise Gold to Stop Mine Drain Pollution
CEA Foundation has taken initial steps to bring a “citizen lawsuit” against Rise under the Clean Water Act in order to compel Rise to addres

Rise Gold files suit against Nevada County
In May 2024, Rise Grass Valley filed a petition for peremptory writ of mandate against Nevada County. They're attempting to overturn the...

Board of Supervisors Rejects Mine in Final Vote
At the Final Hearing for the Idaho-Maryland Mine on February 15 & 16, 2024, Nevada County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously 5-0 to...

Rise Gold’s Constitutional takings prospects - Dead on Arrival - CEA Foundation
Read the opinion and legal analysis. CEA Foundation's attorneys weighed in on the Rise Gold's threat of legal action against Nevada...

Press Release: California Gold Rush Community May Reject Bid to Reopen Historic Mine
This release summarizes key events that led up to the final public hearing and vote by Nevada County Supervisors on the fate of the...

FOX News: Report on Denial of vested Rights
View the Fox News report on the outcome of Rise Gold's attempt to claim vested rights to reopen the Idaho Maryland Mine. View the video...

Rise Gold’s (Former) CEO found guilty on 13 counts in British Columbia retrial
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." Ben Mossman was found guilty of 13 charges related to discharging...

Earthshaking News: Planning Commission Rejects Mine
We won a pivotal victory! All five Planning Commissioners voted unanimously against the Idaho-Maryland Mine at the end of Nevada County's...

The County should deny the Idaho-Maryland Mine and should not certify the Final EIR
The County's Final Environmental and Economic Impact Reports have been published. On May 11, 2023, the Planning Commission voted...

Questionable Economic Return - Dec 2022 MineWatch meeting
A powerhouse panel of community experts reviewed the conclusions of Nevada County's Economic Impact Report in a December 2022 MineWatch...

★ ‘Hung out to dry’: Well owners contend with Idaho-Maryland Mine report’s finding
Want to know why people are so worried about impacts to wells and groundwater? This Union article is a must-read. By Shira Moolten Eric...

A new gold rush pits money and jobs against California’s environment
Companies are seeking to open old mines and explore in new sensitive regions, amid resistance from Californians who want the Gold Rush to...

A California gold mine’s toxic legacy: Inside the fight over reopening a treasure trove
For five years Rise Grass Valley has been trying to get a permit, but the people of Grass Valley are overwhelmingly rejecting the mine....

Rise Gold Investors Beware: Idaho-Maryland Mine Unlikely Before 2034
Investors often think gold is a safer choice, but even if the stars align, it's unlikely Rise Gold could process their first ounce before...

★ Sharon Delgado and Dianna Suarez: Water more precious than gold
Water is life. It's also a commodity. We pay $50-$70 an acre foot locally for untreated water; while southern Californians buying water...

★ No State Monitor for Mine
How will Rise Gold be held accountable for water discharge quality if the mine opens? Well...they'll self-test and write their own...

Darrell Berkheimer: Mine Snow Job Fails
Rise Gold's survey claiming the community supports the mine was a failure. "Residents here are well educated, well informed and not...

Randall J. Newsome: Rise Gold, show me the money
Based on Rise Gold's latest quarterly SEC filing in June 2021 and the status of their outstanding loan, former U.S. Bankruptcy judge...

★ Terry McLaughlin: Skeptical about reopening mine
If you read just one article about the risks of reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine, let this be the one. By conservative columnist for the...

Reopening a mine may spell disaster for our community
Read GV Resident Tony's Lauria's short, but powerful argument for why the dangers of the Mine outweigh any rights to a financial profit....

Do you live on top of the Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Rise Gold wants everyone to believe that people near the mine won't be affected by vibration or risk losing their wells, but a closer...

Avila Lowrance: Can't Afford to Reopen This Mine
How important is clean air, good water, and reliable power in your life? The proposed reopening of the Idaho-Maryland Mine puts all that...

Rise Beyond Gold Film & Panel Discuss (Feb 2021 Meeting)
Watch the Film Watch the Film and Panel Discussion, which was hosted in our MineWatch Virtual Community Event in February. This year,...
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