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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.

The County should deny the Idaho-Maryland Mine and should not certify the Final EIR
The County's Final Environmental and Economic Impact Reports have been published. On May 11, 2023, the Planning Commission voted...

David Briceno: Negative aspects of proposed mine considered
"Putting gold back into “Gold Country” seems favorably nostalgic, but has unforeseen far-reaching repercussions. Is the town prepared to...

Peter Burnes: Enough gold for 600 years
"The World Gold Council says there is about 208,874 metric tonnes of gold already above ground, [largely] sitting in vaults, doing...

John Vaughan, The mine: It’s not about economics, it’s about risk
This opinion piece was originally published in The Union. April 19. 2023 Since the beginning of 2022, like many other local people, I’ve...

Jim Steinmann: Mine jobs – Harsh, few, and not for locals
Rise Gold is touting jobs, jobs, jobs. But reality is not all it's cracked up to be. All this hoopla for 132 local jobs? 12 hour shifts?...

Ray Bryars: Economic Impact Report
This local resident shares what he learned about the concerns shared when community experts reviewed the Economic Impact Report for the...

Jeff Kane: Mine's economic report shows County's lack of due diligence
Writing for the Concerned Citizens Roundtable, Jeff Kane reveals several weaknesses in the Economic Impact Study commissioned by the...

Press Release: Community Weighs in on Mine’s Economic Report
For Immediate Release: December 23, 2022 Contacts: Traci Sheehan Community Environmental Advocates Foundation Community...

Questionable Economic Return - Dec 2022 MineWatch meeting
A powerhouse panel of community experts reviewed the conclusions of Nevada County's Economic Impact Report in a December 2022 MineWatch...

Learn About the County's Economic Impact Report
In November 2022, the County published an an Economic Impact Report on the proposed Idaho-Maryland Mine. There are good reasons to take a...

Press Release: CEA Foundation Urges Caution Interpreting Mine’s Economic Impact Report
For Immediate Release: December 16, 2022 Contacts: Traci Sheehan Community Environmental Advocates Foundation CEA...

CEA Foundation Questions: Economic Impact Report
CEA Foundation submitted comments and questions about the County's Economic Impact Report for the proposed Idaho-Maryland Mine project in...

Paul Schwartz: Mine’s unintended consequences not mentioned
Retired capital planner Paul Schwartz sees several gaps in the Independent Economic Impact Study commissioned by the County. This opinion...

Terry Lamphier: Mine our green, not our gold
This "alternative use" proposal would use the existing mine tunnels as an emergency water source and reflects on the complex geology that...

Terry McLaughlin: Still not convinced mine should reopen
After a year of following mine news, this conservative Union columnist still believes the negatives overwhelm any good the mine could...

★ 312 Jobs? Not What It Seems. Look Closer.
The Mine promises 312 jobs, but a prior economic study suggests 1/2 would come from out of area, and "doing nothing" would bring more jobs.

★ A close look at Rise Gold's Job Claims
Local resident Katherine Popenuk did some homework on "average" mining salaries. They don't align with Rise Gold's promises. The...

Rise Gold Investors Beware: Idaho-Maryland Mine Unlikely Before 2034
Investors often think gold is a safer choice, but even if the stars align, it's unlikely Rise Gold could process their first ounce before...

★ Martin Webb: Analyzing the Idaho-Maryland Fudge Factory
Local KVMR radio host Martin Webb tells us exactly how Rise Gold's promises of jobs and earnings for locals don't add up. And be prepared...

Energy ROI: We Can Do Better - Martin Webb
A YES vote for the mine is a NO vote for climate change. Virtually any other industry could provide a better return on investment. See...

★ Bob Clark: Property Values At Risk
Grass Valley resident Bob Clark did his own research to learn whether his property value would suffer if Rise Gold opens the...

Request for Economic Study of Mine Impacts
UPDATE: As a response to community input, Nevada County ultimately commissioned an independent economic impact report. The community is...
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