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‘Come together’: Protesters oppose Idaho-Maryland Mine

The Union reports on people attending protest against the entrance to the Idaho-Maryland Mine on Brunswick Road. Concerns range from destruction of the natural beauty in the area to preservation of quality well water and air to the accuracy of the Rise Gold DEIR report to other and better potential uses of the land.


The Union | William Roller

March 21, 2022


Gail Johnson Vaughan looks forward to frequent visits from her 10-year-old grandson to show off her property where she lives on Colfax Avenue.

“We’re just 1,000 feet from Rise Gold’s mineral rights land,” she said. “A primary reason to oppose the mine reopening is that my grandson wants to have his grandchildren see how beautiful it is here. And he loves drinking the well water, and we have a lots of concerns about the preservation of our wells.”


Vaughan questions the completeness of the draft environmental impact report.

“We are experiencing an unprecedented 20-year drought, so how can we use past assumptions on the viability of our wells?” she asked. “An adequate DEIR will test a variety of assumptions, including those not made by interested parties.”


For photos and quotes see the News article as originally printed in The Union.

William Roller is a staff writer for The Union. He can be reached at


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