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Eric Zibbel: Another alternative to the mine

Rather than reopening the Idaho-Maryland mine, Grass Valley resident Eric Zibbel proposes purchasing the mine property using state funds and turning it into a year-round, sustainable green waste business, along with a park.


This letter is in response to Paul S. Schwartz’s Jan. 7 commentary, “Better uses for the Idaho-Maryland Mine property.” Like Mr. Schwartz, I also have an idea for a better use for the Idaho-Maryland Mine property. I propose a facility that will expand the Nevada County Fire Safe Council’s free green waste drop-off in the springtime to a year-round service.

More than just a free green waste drop-off location for county residents, the facility would be operated as a sustainable business enterprise. PG&E contractors, tree companies and landscapers would have to pay a fee to bring waste to the facility. Green waste would be processed on site to make wood chips, compost and other products to be sold to the public.

The facility would still provide a job engine for county residents with heavy equipment operators, truck drivers, mechanics and technicians being central to daily operations.

Read the rest in The Union

Eric Zibbel resides in Grass Valley.


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