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Fast Facts: Impact on Endangered Species

If the Idaho-Maryland Mine reopens, the Centennial site that harbors the endangered Pine Hill flannelbush and other plants will be impacted by planned engineered fill operations.

  1. A population of Pine Hill flannelbush ( Fremontodendron decumbens) exists on site and is listed under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).

  2. “Of the sixty individual mature and flowering Pine Hill flannelbush plants identified within the Centennial Industrial Site, it is estimated that 18 mature plants will be removed as part of the placement of engineered fill. The take of such ESA listed plants will require mitigation and consultation with USFWS.”

  3. With respect to mitigation by transplanting of the PH Flannelbush: “metrics of successful establishment, which would include a minimum of 80% survival of the transplants after 2 years of transplanting the species.” And additional restrictions apply.

  4. Note that adjacent habitat is needed for protection of the PHf. “The recovery plan for Pine Hill flannelbush (USFWS 2002) reports that the habitat in which this plant occurs is naturally and artificially limited, and conservation of not just the populations, but adjacent vacant habitat is beneficial to long-term persistence.

  5. Location of Pine Hill Flannelbush Occurrences overlaying an aerial photo

  6. Centennial site topo map of Engineered Fill with Pine Hill flannelbush locations shown

[1] (See also Review Summary on centennial Impact Assessment Tech Memo)


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