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MineWatch News Jan 7, 2021

Hello MineWatchers -

We have some encouraging news to start off the new year:

Your actions made a difference! -The Mine is now one of the County’s top four focus areas this year.

The Union’s front page article on New Year’s Day gave a run-down of the top four issues facing the County in 2021, listing the proposed re-opening of the Idaho-Maryland Mine as one of four, along with the vaccine roll-out, economic recovery, and PSPS/Wildfire concerns. In a switch from past articles that were decidedly pro-mine, this article sized up the debate-to-come by presenting the opposition as credible and well organized, while putting Rise Gold in a defensive position and forcing them to explain CEO Ben Mossman’s bad history.

A big piece of this win is due to you -The article remarked on this community’s visible and vocal presence at board of supervisor meetings over the past few months. Thank you! Your respectful participation in our government’s process is earning us the credibility we need in order to win this fight.

If you haven’t heard about Mossman’s past yet, the facts are based on Bob Hubbard’s Opinion Editorial from December, "Rise Gold Shouldn’t Be Trusted. Here’s Why."

Help us stay credible - We believe that interactions with our elected officials and public servants should always be done with respect and politeness, and never with threats or intimidation. So far, most of our community has done just exactly that and we thank you for it. Please join us in encouraging a positive, productive relationship with our County’s decision makers. We have the tools to defeat this mine project if we use them wisely. Let us start the new year with a focus on civility and trying to work together.

It's a new year -- time to get the word out - Join our group on Facebook and check out our new campaign website MineWatch Nevada County ( We hope this new site will serve as a resource for everyone. It includes talking points, recent news, and fact sheets to help answer your questions and educate our community.

Thank you for all that you do!

The Team at CEA Foundation


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