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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.

Bob Clark: Perry Mason, where are you when we need you?
Do you remember the Perry Mason TV series? Perry was a lawyer who always got the bad guy to admit their guilt in the end. Enjoy this...

Darrell Berkheimer: Mine survey lacks credibility
Read longtime Union columnist, Darrell Berkheimer’s analysis of Rise Gold’s recently published, privately funded survey. He criticizes...

Jim Weir: The Rise Gold Survey
Retired Nevada County Supervisor, Jim Weir, blasted Rise Gold’s recently published, privately-funded survey in an opinion piece in the...

Mark Hotsenpiller: Mine survey is worthless
Local resident Mark Hotsenpiller reflects on Rise Gold's recent opinion survey, questioning its accuracy and suggesting what should be...

Don Rivenes: Reopening mine solves no priorities
Rise Gold’s recent, highly-criticized survey draws more fire from local resident Don Rivenes who says their attempt to align the survey...

Brandon Butrick: Rise Gold’s track record
Local resident Brandon Butrick is NOT opposed to the gold mining as an industry, but after reading about the track record of the...

Randall J. Newsome: Rise Gold, show me the money
Based on Rise Gold's latest quarterly SEC filing in June 2021 and the status of their outstanding loan, former U.S. Bankruptcy judge...

Mary Anderson: Does mine make sense economically?
Local resident Mary Anderson questions the trustworthiness of the increasingly aggressive employment claims made by Rise Gold. What are...

Jeff Kane: Reviving the Idaho-Maryland Mine - What a Deal!
Jeff Kane of Nevada City shares a hilarious conversation he "might have had" with someone he bumped into on the street Let me tell you...

MineWatch June Meeting 2021 - Precious Headwaters
Precious Headwaters: Potential Impacts of the Idaho Maryland Mine to the Plants, Animals and Aquatic Habitats of the Wolf Creek Watershed...

Ariana Zimmerman: Reopening the mine is backward thinking
Ariana Zimmerman has a more progressive idea for bringing high-paying jobs to Grass Valley than degrading our community by reopening the...

Fast Facts: Power Use for Mine Ventilation
A large exhaust fan drawing will move air out of the mine 24 hours a day Air from the mine will be exhausted through the mine’s headframe...

Fast Facts: Mine Dewatering, Wells & NID
There are around 300 wells that could be impacted by dewatering of the mine “Before exploration and mining can proceed, the volume of...

Paul Schwartz: History warns against reopening mine
Paul Schwartz, who resides in Grass Valley, reminds us that the story of gold in this area is primarily one of exploitation. The impact...

Fast Facts: Aesthetics
Many people are concerned about the impact of the reopening of the mine as it relates to aesthetics. Here are a few facts pulled from...

Billy Packard: The murky waters of mining
Grass Valley resident Billy Packard was particularly disappointed about a recent article in The Union... and what WASN'T said pertaining...

Fast Facts: Hazardous Materials
Significant amounts of hazardous materials such as explosives and toxic chemicals will be utilized and stored onsite if the...

★ Terry McLaughlin: Skeptical about reopening mine
If you read just one article about the risks of reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine, let this be the one. By conservative columnist for the...

Dr. Newsom on Health Risks of Mine
Learn about the potential public health risks of reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine. Join Dr. Christine Newsom as she explores questions...

Let The Mine Continue Sleeping
Is it really necessary to disrespect people who oppose the mine? Local resident Mary Anderson counters an opinion published in the Union...

MineWatch May Meeting 2021
This virtual community meeting was hosted by CEA Foundation and community partners on May 27th, 2021. It explored the impact of...

How to Keep Mine Compliant?
The laws governing corporations are on the books. Unfortunately, enforcement of most laws is by "complaint only" in Nevada County. How...

Spinning Gold - The Rise of Misinformation - CEA Foundation
Rise Gold Corporation and its CEO Ben Mossman have followed a pattern of making false, incomplete, or misleading statements to investors...

Risks of reopening mine no joke
What if our wells go dry just like they did at the most recent mining operation in North San Juan? Tony Lauria writes for The Union about...
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